Koichi Naruishi

Irashai Mase! (Welcome!)

Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. We have lots of items on the menu to help you connect to the most important resource you have – YOU!

I am stoked to be working with Brent, Anne and all of you to do what I love ; Connect, Find Our Wholeness, and Support each other to GROW and experience our experience fully with humor, joy and presence.

Where to reach me

So here are some platforms where you can reach some of the content that has been posted by yours truly in addition to what is here.

Website (work in progress): www.reson8wellness.org

Facebook Pages: Resonate Wellness My very first FB business page ‘sniff sniff’. Some video resources and fun stuff.

Harmony at Home. Page for audiences of the Harmony at Home show and you if you want to see some embarassingly vulnerable videos and some resources.

Email: Yep we can actually write to each other. What’s on your mind? drkreson8@gmail.com

Zoom: Wanna get right to it and do some work together. Let’s hop on a Zoom together and see if there is anything (in the realm of healing and embodied transformation in the domains of work, relationships, and/or your leadership) I can support you with. Complimentary Intro Session (so you can get an experience of the work we can do together) and Discovery Call can be scheduled here.