Energy flows where your attention goes.

Energetic Grounding- It can feel sooooo good!

Who needs drugs when you can activate your own chemical stores your body?

Your hands can be a powerful guide in directing your awareness THROUGH and IN your body.

So as you allow your hands to guide your attention through the inside of your body, you are using your brain in a different way.  Your focused awareness will guide the “energy” or chi downward through the different centers.

I got to learn this from different teachers from different traditions for different purposes.  Some were martial some were for healing.  And yes intention matters.  Especially in the beginning.  Using body and arm movements can be great for learning how to block a kick, for example, for external martial arts.  However, if you are starting from an internal perspective, it can set up a foundation for further personal development (as well as kicking some butt!).

Get from your head down into your body.

So the intent in the exercise in this video is to get “grounded”.  Moving from being in your head into your body.  Instead of viewing as a way to getting rid of a state you don’t like, I invite you use at as something as fun; as a way to remind you of the resources within you that ARE YOU!

Use your hands to scoop your attention in your field up towards the sky then as you go above your head point he palms down and guide them through your center line to the bottom of your body and through your feet.  Then scoop up and repeat.  You can see it demonstrated here.

You can actually do this without your arms if that helps.  For some people it can be a distraction.  In the beginning use it a couple times and synchronize your exhale with the downward focus ending up at the feet at the end of the exhale.  Use your body movement, focus, and breath together.  One of the aforementioned strategies will be easier than the other and one of the strategies can be the most challenging for you.  For those of you who want to experience a bonus strategy, use the easiest and most connecting strategy first.  For example, you may notice that focusing on breath first will help you to “connect” faster and deeper than focusing on the energy in your body.

Benefits of Grounding

This type of energetic grounding can:

  • Help calm the nervous system
  • Tap into a more pleasurable state of being
  • Get from your HEAD to your BODY!
  • Get you ready for the next part of your day with EASE and BLISS!

As you do this you may find that there may be a sequence you can activate for other similar practices and meditations.  To find out more about your activation sequence or primary order, check out our future videos.

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Koichi is passionate about setting people free from limiting patterns and beliefs. At an early age, he had health challenges. His mom, with the guidance of a chiropractor, created major shifts in lifestyle for the whole family to overcome young Koichi’s health problems.Years later with this new lifestyle served as a foundation for further growth into the realms of nutrition, alignment, mindset, spiritual and energy work.

With a rounded background in healing, nutrition and consciousness, for 20 years Koichi has transformed the lives of his clients and continues to grow, train and educate himself to continual serve to go deeper with his clients. He is also relieved to not have to write any more in the third person.