When I start a conversation about ‘energy healing’ with friends, I have a hard time explaining what energy is.

I only know my story about how I got introduced to energy work and what it means to me today.

I was 5 years into my profession of Air Traffic Control in the California Bay Area. It is challenging work that takes complete concentration. After a full shift of work, it is very difficult to ‘come down’ from the intense day.

I tried to relax and de-stress many different ways, some more destructive than others.

There came a time when I realized I needed to do something about my stress and depression in a healthy and productive way. I felt fortunate because as an Air Traffic Controller, I was not able to take medications to deal with this, so I began the journey of finding an alternative, healthy way to deal with anxiety. 

I began to see a therapist, and I also began to see a network chiropractor. I didn’t see how a chiropractor would help me with stress, but it was recommended to me and I gave it a try. I was very surprised that after a few sessions, the chiropractor never even cracked my back, nor did he push or prod.

I remember feeling more light and upbeat, but how did light touches and a word of encouragement here and there make the difference? 

I later discovered and understood that I was participating in ‘energy work’.

My Chiropractor Koichi Naraushi, was reading my energy, where I was at with myself and the world, and what type of energy I needed to make a breakthrough. He had me focus on a specific part of my body, or a specific remembrance of my past that triggered an emotion.

From there, we (together), were able to transform this energy into a positive experience and a tremendous feeling of relief and joy!

During the sessions with Koichi, I experienced how my feelings have different colors. When I was in different moods, I experienced different colors when I closed my eyes and thought about what I am feeling at the moment or from a past experience.

Colors correlate with auras, chakras, emotions, dreams, and energies. Some examples are: red, ( blood, fire, love ), yellow ( caution, warmth, attraction ), green ( renewal, spring, good fortune ).

I believe these colors, when we meditate or just think about them for a moment, can bring such joy and enthusiasm in our being and into the present. They can help us discover what colors we focus on and the feeling state we are used to and comfortable with.

Colors can also connect us to our intuitive abilities so we can envision future potentials. 

I would love to talk about envisioning the future a little more: With the thought of a color, such as purple, I can think about a vast flowing field of lavender. Walking through the field with my arms out feeling all the different sensations when the soft flowers touch my skin.

From there I can imagine what I want to experience every day of my life, the freedom and the flow.

From there I can imagine how, with whom and where I want to live my days.

Now I can imagine what I need to do to help me get to this feeling every day. I can dream about the person I will share this excitement and love with.

Now I am so excited that I can picture the whole world doing this together and there is enough space for everyone to dream about their most magnificent future!

What color takes you on a short adventure of abundance and love? Please share your experiences with color and your imagination, comment below!

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Brent is grabbing anything and everything to be excited about. He is an Air Traffic Controller by trade, enthusiastically guiding our flying family and friends through the skies.With this go at life, he is loving to share the diamonds that are found by collaborating and laughing with others. His passion is to discover the ways and tools for everyone to soar to new heights, WITH YOU!